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A lot of money is spent on makeover these days to get the right kind of look one needs. The recent craze in the makeover is the hair coloring. Gone are those days when hair coloring (dying) was done to cover grey hairs. This hair coloring started with the fashion and media industry and slowly crept into lay men and women. There are a lot of hair coloring products available in the market and the beauty parlors do a good job. A lot of colors are available in the market including red, brown, blonde, black etc. There are two types of hair chalk  available – permanent and temporary. An individual can choose between the two depending on the occasion and the need. If an individual can afford more money, then he can choose to go to the hair salon and get the coloring done. Choosing the wrong color will have ill effects because it will leave bad memories about hair coloring. The hair color needs to be chosen depending on the skin tone and skin color. A good branded hair color needs to be chosen for best results and to avoid skin allergies. A lot of herbal hair color products are also available in the market and the patch test need to be done first before coloring the full hair. There are few arguments that coloring the hair will damage its roots and eventually makes it to fall. But hair experts claim that a good hair color with less of ammonia will do good to the hair. After coloring the hair one should know how to maintain it. Too much of shampooing should not be done and the hair should not be exposed to heat (when done so, it will fade away the hair color). Hair coloring would be a pleasant experience if a right product and right methodology is followed.


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